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GroundUp Property Services' Irrigation Membership



Your sprinkler system operates, in most cases, before you leave for work or get out of bed.



  • Your meter may be running constantly due to hidden leaks.

  • You might have a geyser where a sprinkler head popped off or broke off.

  • Your landscape is suffering due to under-or over-watering or your house is turning orange.

  • It just poured cats and dogs yet your sprinkler is running.    


All of this can raise your water bills, cause you to be out of lawn watering compliance, damage your plants
or house due to out-of-whack sprinkler head alignment, lack of or excess watering.  


While you can always call us to take care of your immediate needs, our GroundUp Property Services’ Irrigation Membership can alleviate these issues and potentially prevent larger problems from occurring. Your Irrigation Membership ensures your system is operating efficiently and saves you money and time from larger issues down the road.  A GroundUp Property Services’ Irrigation Membership is a twice-a-year*, full Irrigation System Inspection (an irrigation system inspection starts at $300) and includes: 

  • 2X a year inspection of your sprinkler system

  • Test operation of all irrigation zone valves – up to 6 zones per membership with up to 10 heads per zone

  • Inspect, adjust, align, and clean sprinkler heads as needed*

  • Check and adjust rain sensor operation

  • Sprinkler timer inspection and programming

  • Water pump and water pressure evaluation

  • 10% off all parts and labor

    *If drawing from a body of water for your irrigation system, this membership includes inspection of the pump, filter and cleaning of 10 sprinkler heads per inspection. There will be an additional charge for cleaning more than 10 sprinkler heads and cleaning or replacement of the filter.  

Residential Membership Packages:


Annual Membership - $350 (one inspection)                                     Save 10% parts & labor

Semi-Annual Membership - $300 (includes two inspections)            BEST VALUE!   Save $300 + 10% parts/labor

Commercial Membership Packages:

Annual Membership - $600 (one inspection)                                     Save 10% parts & labor

Semi-Annual - $500 (includes two inspections)                                 BEST VALUE!   Save $500 + 10% parts/labor

Call us today to activate your GroundUp Property Services Irrigation Membership and have peace of mind that your system is doing what you expect! 


Please see Irrigation Membership Agreement for full details, inclusions, and responsibilities.

Irrigation System Inspections performed by GroundUp Property Services are performed in accordance with the Standards of Practice recommended and followed by industry regulators, suppliers, and contractors. Every reasonable effort was made to conduct a visual, non-invasive evaluation of the entire irrigation system; however, it is possible that one or more areas of the system could not be fully evaluated due to obstructions, or the inability to locate valves, heads, or pipes at the time of the inspection. Additional visits to complete the full inspection, if necessary, will be an additional charge.

This is not an exhaustive irrigation electrical or plumbing inspection. We are not licensed electricians or plumbers to verify that all areas of the system are up to the current codes. Many houses and irrigation systems are NOT up to current codes and making changes or renovations may require electrical work to bring an older system up to current standards. 

This inspection is looking for current irrigation problems. While it is not designed to determine future use or every eventuality such as renovations, additions, or other unforeseen irrigation needs you may have in the future, we do our best to forecast potential problems and/or the growing needs of your system. If you are planning on making significant irrigation system changes or renovations, GroundUp Property Services can make recommendations for qualified contractors to help with these updates. 


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